Ana Bernardes

Body wisdom in movement

Join me on a journey towards inner leadership by unlocking the access to your body wisdom!

Access your body wisdom through movement, body awareness and human connection.

A direct experience of embodied consciousness that will allow you to
feel more connected with yourself,
improve the quality of your relationships
and rediscover yourself as a creative being.


Sensing: the perception that something occurs or that a particular state exists.We are unconsciously constantly sensing our environment, and learning to consciously listen with our whole body is a skill worth cultivating.By developing the ability to fully engage with our sensory systems —including the five senses, proprioception, and interoception —we expand our range of choices in how we respond to the world around us.Sensing opens a gateway not only to our inner world but also to the world beyond ourselves.


Playing: a way to explore possibilities, learn, and express oneself within a safe environment.We need playgrounds where we can experiment with new ways of moving, being, and relating. Spaces where we can engage with different archetypal energies, recognize our patterns and immerse ourselves in "as if" worlds.Through embodied practices, we learn to make the invisible visible, revealing deeper truths and insights.In the experience of the bodymind, we invite the body to be the bridge between our conscious and unconscious worlds.


Creating: causing something to exist or to make something new or imaginative.We are always creating. Every moment, we generate thoughts and behaviours.Through direct experience, we understand before giving meaning and practice embodied consciousness. Giving words to the experience requires learning to articulate embodied speech.When aligned with our inner wisdom or the source, we tap into "fertile fields" of infinite possibilities, allowing deeper insights and creativity to emerge naturally.

Take a step into a transformative journey!

I curate the playground,

You find your path.

Experience transformative learning experiences that ignite collective growth, rooted in individual experience.From the I to the WE to the WHOLE.With curiosity, compassion, and courage, embrace fresh perspectives and allow your innate wisdom to manifest through embodied expression, free from immediate interpretation.We are all inherently human, engaging with one another on shared journeys. I aim to empower individuals to reconnect with their inner wisdom, leading lives with integrity, authenticity, and adaptability.


These learning journeys mix insights from psychology, dance and movement pedagogy, neuroscience, game design, and experience design.Through this rich blend, cultivate somatic awareness and foster nonlinear thinking.


  • Self-led discovery

  • Art

  • Nature

  • Spirituality

  • Embodied Consciousness


The journeys are designed to foster inner leadership grounded in principles of wholeness, flexibility, and congruence.The art of listening to oneself, by attending to the subtle messages from our bodymind, our emotions and intuition as an inner compass.

As we allow movements to flow within us and find expression outwards, we make the invisible visible. We honour its form, rhythm, and vitality.Moving from within is being in a dance, a dynamic interplay between our essence and the external realm. It’s a sacred dialogue between what is alive within and the perception of the outer world.With every fibre of our being, we engage with the world — listening, seeing, touching, tasting, and smelling — and become a vessel for direct experience. In this intricate dance of body, mind, and soul, our inner landscape awakens, our spirit is stirred, and our wounds find solace.Are you intrigued? Contact me!


"Dancing with Ana in the 6 weeks course “MOVING FROM WITHIN” was the highlight of my week. No matter how stressed, hyped-up or disconnected I felt, Ana always managed to create a space where I could let my guard down and connect with all my feelings. I could let my body speak, express everything that I couldn’t find words for. I could dance my worries, my anger, my joy and my love. Ana taught me how to connect to my true authentic self, to connect with others, to find my boundaries and also to break them. It was a journey of pure magic, healing and joy!"
